3 Rivers Players at Lillies War 2006

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Location: United States

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Romeo and Juliet: the Interesting Bits

My crew performing the only scene in Romeo and Juliet worth watching. And then we messed with it.

The Suitor

A traditional commedia piece; my camera ran out of juice before the end... but it's still very fun to watch! I'll give away the ending...

laughter ensues!

The Rivals

A clever wordless piece with a twist ending. What more could ya want?

Ricky Horror

My speech speech from Richard the Third, done Rocky Horror Picture Show style. This may turn into a regular offering, performed by guests.

Noel du Volet

Not sure if this is spelled right... but here is a pretty, lovely French song sung by younger members of the troupe.

The Lady in Blue

Fantastic song sung by 3 River's own Lady Adelaide.

La Dottora

A very funny, traditional Commedia piece!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Introduction music

Maggie playing the introduction music, featuring Geoffery being, well, Geoffery!